I am trying to contact anyone in the South East who may have had dealings with AWS – Australian Wind and Solar. As a result of problems with my turbine, investigations have shown that Energy Safe Victoria has banned AWS from installing wind turbines. Complaints of blades blowing off and parts […]
Wind Turbines
Your Say: Suzie Porter.
I am trying to contact anyone in the South East who may have had dealings with AWS – Australian Wind and Solar. As a result of problems with my turbine, investigations have shown that Energy Safe Victoria has banned AWS from installing wind turbines. Complaints of blades blowing off and parts […]
I am trying to contact anyone in the South East who may have had dealings with AWS – Australian Wind and Solar. As a result of problems with my turbine, investigations have shown that Energy Safe Victoria has banned AWS from installing wind turbines. Complaints of blades blowing off and parts […]
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