The Millicent and Naracoorte Cricket Association’s senior season is set to get underway for 2023/24 this Saturday. Eight teams have nominated for this season, one less than last season with Footballers Furner Beachport unable to field a side. Of the Naracoorte-based teams entered, there are again two Naracoorte teams – Naracoorte Townies and Naracoorte Warriors […]
Cricket preview
The Millicent and Naracoorte Cricket Association’s senior season is set to get underway for 2023/24 this Saturday. Eight teams have nominated for this season, one less than last season with Footballers Furner Beachport unable to field a side. Of the Naracoorte-based teams entered, there are again two Naracoorte teams – Naracoorte Townies and Naracoorte Warriors […]
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