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Police need help
By Chris Oldfield: LOCAL police are seeking further information regarding several incidents throughout Naracoorte Lucindale and Tatiara districts. Naracoorte Sergeant Simon Haebich said he was particularly concerned about a break-in at Keith last month. During the night or early morning of July 14-15, while occupants slept an offender entered through an unlocked door and stole […]
No radiation therapy
By Nasik Swami: The establishment of a radiation therapy service in Mount Gambier for the South East has been scrapped. An independent feasibility study has found that the establishment of a radiation therapy service in Mount Gambier for the South East to deliver cancer care is not “currently a safe, sustainable, or financially viable option”. […]
We won’t give up
By Chris Oldfield: NARACOORTE based radiotherapy working group chairman Lachlan Haynes has vowed “we won’t give up” following a $110,000 feasibility study rejecting South East radiation services. Meanwhile, the $243million Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) is aiming to spend $4.3 million of federal funding for radiation services on a Cancer Consult Suite at the […]
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