By Chris Oldfield
A $2400 work order to fix a broken tap at a local school reflects how a State Government system is open for dishonest behaviour. Independent Member for MacKillop Nick McBride also described how difficult it was for local contractors to be approved as capable of doing even minor government work at schools.
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Have your say
By Chris Oldfield
AN average 5.8 percent rate rise for the 2024-25 draft budget is proposed by the Naracoorte Lucindale Council’s administration. The $22,234 million draft includes a $1.087 million operating surplus. Now electors can read the plan and have their say before May 27, advising what they think the rates should be and what
Naracoorte Market Report 30/4/2024
By Sheona Lamb, MLA
Cattle: LWB 13 – LWY 551 – LWC 116 – OAY 10
Numbers remained similar with 690 cattle penned, made up of 550 young cattle, 116 cows, 13 Bulls and a few pens of open auction young calves. Quality mostly consisted of plainer secondary types.
World-class race track
By Nasik Swami
Major upgrade works have begun at the Bordertown Speedway to make the facility a “world-class” race track. Once completed, the project aims to put Bordertown on the map, with a facility big enough to attract all types of racing.
Elected rep wants catering
By Nasik Swami
WHILE many in the country struggle to put food on the table, an elected member of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council has a different demand. Cr Tom Dennis wants the council to provide catering for meetings held outside the chambers.
Naracoorte Libs discuss key issues
By Nasik Swami
The Naracoorte Branch of the Liberal Party had a successful annual general meeting last month, focusing on key issues affecting the electorate. President Robert Bull, who was re-elected to the position, said, “they had a well-attended and informative meeting”.
SPORT: Issue 198 8/5/2024
SPORT: Issue 198 8/5/2024
23rd Annual Two Cocks Charity Golf Day
Footy report
KNTFL: Mundulla v Border Districts
KNTNA results, Round 4
KNTNA A Grade match reports
KNTNA Junior Report
Naracoorte Hockey
Squash Grand Final
Lucindale Ladies Golf
Lucindale Mens Golf
Bordertown Gun Club
SE District Women’s Pennant
Apsley Golf Club
Apsley Motorsport Club
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