Premiere announces new ministers, changed roles, and a housing super-portfolio
By Nasik Swami
A major cabinet reshuffle has been announced by the South Australian government, including a new housing super-portfolio. Premier Peter Malinauskas has recast his government two years out from an election in a major cabinet reshuffle dubbed a “major shakeup”.
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Volunteer firefighters needed
By Nasik Swami
The region needs more volunteer firefighters. That’s the call from SA Volunteers Firefighters Museum (SAVFFM) chairman Alan Hall. Mr Hall said the older generation of firefighters had a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. “The role of the volunteer firefighter has changed considerably over the past 10 years with the improvement
Issue 196: 24 April, 2024: SPORTS
SPORTS: Issue 196: 24 April, 2024
Footy report
Mundulla v Kybybolite
KNTNA Round 2 results
KNTNA A Grade match reports
KNTNA Junior Report
Naracoorte and District Hockey
Naracoorte Rangers Baseball
Lucindale Bowling Club
Naracoorte A Grade Table Tennis
Naracoorte Golf Club Ladies
Robe social bowls
Lucindale Mens Golf
Squash Round 11
Apsley and District Motorsport Club
Apsley Golf Club
Phones ring in new beginning
By Chris Oldfield
PHONE lines to the Lucindale Health Centre have been reconnected during times local nurses are rostered on duty. From Reedy Creek, Keilira and Woolumbool to Spence, Callendale, Furner, Biscuit Flat, Greenways and everywhere in between – the Lucindale community can once again ring the local health centre they built themselves.
Naracoorte Market Report 16/4/2024
By Jenny Kelly, MLA
Cattle: LWB – 33 – LWY 638 – LWC 144 – OAY 11
Supply remained similar but quality declined with less well finished trade and export grade cattle yarded. The market had a cheaper tone over all classes, with heavy grown heifers and secondary bred types and odd lots the most affected.
Wrong and rushed
By Nasik Swami
Wrong, rushed, and transactional. That’s how councillors Abigail Goodman and Damien Ross of the Naracoorte-Lucindale Council described the council’s recent decision to drop the prayer and replace the Acknowledgement of Country with a shorter and more “inclusive” two-line statement. During the council’s March meeting, a motion for a revised code of practice […]
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