By Leanne Foster Dorothy Shortt was the sponsor of the ladies Monthly Medal and Brooch Competition at Apsley last Wednesday. Scratch winner was Leanne Dolling with 100/81. Nett winner was Tammy Hocking 116/79 on a countback from Jane Fitzgerald 118/79. Monthly medal winner was Tammy Hocking. Nearest the pins were 3 rd & 17 th […]
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Squash Winter Pennant
Squash Winter Pennant (221w) By Jenny Dickenson Rd. 10 (2nd Aug 2023) results: Team Rick 4-7-186 d Team Justin 2-7-174 (R. Adams lt J. Lobb 0-3, P. Shouksmith d C. Legoe 3-0, C. Whitehead d P. Coventry 3-1, J. Soderlund lt S. Wilkin 1-3). Team Jack 3-11-266 d Team Alex 3-11-263 (J. Johnson d A. […]
Cash is lifeblood
Opinion: By Kim Radok, Credit Matters When we talk about cash in business from the perspective of our introduction, essentially, we are talking about the funds in the business’s bank account(s). We are not talking about cash as a payment methodology, although this is also an essential factor for the potential survival of a business. […]
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