Your say: Jillian McLean As Naracoorte residents, we have reason to be proud of the rich Scottish heritage our town reflects. If local council believe painting murals is a worthy project, why then are those painted in our town depicted in gaudy colours which are a...
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Plastic free July is here again
Your say: Heather Heggie, Naracoorte The Guardian sites tell us many cold and unpleasant truths about plastics globally. The Guardian tells us plastic has increased from 2million tons in 1950 to 368 billion tons in 2019 (not including synthetic fibres), and is expected to reach 600 billion tons in 2025. Packaging, construction and automotive industries […]
Power prices
Your Say: Cliff Hignett, Naracoorte People who are complaining about power prices do not understand capitalism. Our power is supplied, transmitted and delivered by (mostly multinational) corporations – whose sole objective is to maximise profits for shareholders – they only provide power to customers as a means of making sure the suckers (you) keep sending […]
Not an ordinary bus tour
By Nasik Swami It was not just an ordinary bus tour of the district. It was a tour that included some of the elected counsellors of the Naracoorte-Lucindale Council on a bus, witnessing the various conditions of some of the roads in the district. As fascinating as it sounds, Cr Peter Ireland described the tour […]
Council heads for $2.9m loss
By Nasik Swami The Tatiara District Council is headed for a $2.9million loss this financial year, thanks to some “extraordinary circumstances”. The loss, which the council administration says is “largely due to grants not received yet,” was discussed at the council’s meeting in Bordertown on June 13. When asked by this newspaper for some clarity […]
Little for Naracoorte
By Nasik Swami There is very little in the federal budget for towns like Naracoorte in regional South Australia. And with the new budget, the government has put the heavy lifting at the feet of the community, with very limited spending in the region to counterbalance the increasing costs. That’s how the shadow minister for […]
Fees and charges to go up
By Nasik Swami Some of the fees and charges of the Naracoorte-Lucindale Council will increase from July 1. This follows the adoption of the new fees and charges guide by the council for the 2023–2024 financial year. The following fees and charges are set to increase: General administrative Aerodrome charges Cemetery fees Dog registration and […]
New smile now, pay later
By Lidums Dental When the cost of living is on the rise, sometimes our standard of living suffers, and things like dental procedures are put on hold. That’s why an Adelaide prosthodontist* is looking at ways he can help make dental care more affordable through a new payment plan partnership. Lidums Dental in conjunction with […]
Radiotherapy for the Limestone Coast
By Limestone Coast Radiation Treatment Working Party A community forum has been called to update the Limestone Coast community on the push for radiation treatment services in the Limestone Coast. To be held at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre on 25th July at 5:30pm, Chair Lachlan Haynes says he hopes that the forum will offer […]
Trends of Naracoorte
By Colleen Boyanton Trends of Naracoorte opened its doors in October of 2004, formerly Katchors Fashion, the store was completely revamped and brought into the 21st Century. Colleen and husband Phillip have developed the store in the past 18 years, with wonderful staff, Sandi Lawrence and Rosalie Jackson running the store and helping with buying […]
Paveline bankruptcy hurts Tatiara
By Anne Champness, Chief Executive Officer, Tatiara District Council At its May meeting, Tatiara District Council had to make the disappointing decision to note a bad debt of $356,382.60 from the failed purchase of a new Paveline Auto Patch from Paveline International. “Back in 2022, Council sought quotes for the purchase of a patching truck, […]
Facts, the law and looking after yourself
By Wayne Hawthorne “Get your affairs in order to ensure you are best positioned” was sound advice from Peter Westley when he spoke to Naracoorte Mens Probus Club recently. Further advice was that passed on to him as a young Lawyer, preparing for a large Federal Court case was, “Get your facts right and the […]
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