By Cathy Cobbledick.
St Paul’s Anglican Church, Naracoorte is based at 2 Laurie Crescent.
Our Church offers fellowship, compassion, and we want to share the love of God with everyone.
Naracoorte’s service times are 10am every Sunday. Check The News for updated information for both Naracoorte & Lucindale churches and join our Facebook page “Naracoorte Anglican Church”.
On Tuesday mornings from 9.30am-11.00am there is Playgroup with morning tea – open to everyone. This is also when our second-hand bookshop is open.
Contact Lisa Eastwood 0428 896 721.
The Church also holds pizza/movie nights during the School holidays, which are advertised on our Facebook page & Facebook Naracoorte Noticeboard.
Our Church hall is available for hire with a full kitchen, toilets, seating, tables, crockery, heating/cooling and play area for the kids.
The funds from The News will be used towards a new office laptop.
A huge thank you to The News Gives back program, it is greatly appreciated.
Please contact the Church Secretaries, Lisa Eastwood 0428 896 721 or Cathy Cobbledick 0429 208 203 should you require any further information.
Editor’s Note: With this Give Back donation of $500 we have reached $104,399 donated to local service, arts and sports groups. Please register anytime by emailing